My favorite YouTube Channels 2020

In 2018, I did a list of my favourite YouTube Channels (Spanish), almost 2 years pass after this post and on this time I start to watch new channels and remove or watch less other channels.
This year I classified the videos by topic (as I did last year), and I added an emoji code:
⭐ Favorite channel. I usually watch most videos. ❗ Very interesting 🔥 Some videos are very interesting
This is the updated list:
Travel / Culture / World:
- ⭐ Nekojitablog [ES] This channel is hosted by a Japanise woman an his Spanish husband. Thay talk about Japan culture, places, etc. An interesting point of view
- ❗ Jabiertzo [ES] A couple of Chinese and Spanish talking about china.
- Ter Sometimes talks about architecture.
Engineering / Science
- ⭐ QuantumFracture [ES] Physics!!
- ⭐ La Hiperactina [ES] Biomedicine
- ⭐ Antroporama [ES] Neuroscience!
- ⭐ Dot CSV [ES] AI
- ⭐ Derivando [ES] Maths!
- ❗ The Slow Mo Guys [EN] Slow motion videos about “science”
- ❗ La gata de Schrödinget [ES]
- ⭐ CienciaDeSofa [ES]
- Raíz de Pi [ES] Maths ;)
- ❗ Hrom [ES] Spanish MacGyver
- SmarterEveryDay [EN] Very detailed videos about science topics.
- Deborahciencia [ES] Chemistry
- ❗ Physics Girl [EN] Experiments, demonstrations, etc.
- Vsauce [EN]
- 🔥 Engineerguy [EN] This guy make videos talking about engineering processes, my favourite one
- SizeMatters [ES] Nanoscience using pixelart.
- 🔥 Carolina Jiménez G. [ES] Cinema FX
- CdeCiencia [ES] Weekly videos about scientific news
- Date un Vlog [ES]
- Instituto de física teórica [ES]
- ❗ LockPickingLawyer [EN] Lockpicking explained
- Hablando en data [ES] Data science
- ❗ Jaime Altozano [ES] Talking about music
- ⭐ I_am_puma [RU]
- Mugumogu [ES/JP] Mara & Hana cats
- OwlKitty [EN] Cat and special effects
- Cole and Marmalade [EN] Cats
- 🔥 The Pet Collective [EN]
- Hrzysztof Smejlis [EN] Cats
- Sho Ko [EN] Cats
- ⭐ Buck Fernandex [ES]
- Menos Trece [ES]
- Luzugames [ES]
- ⭐ Auron [ES]
- aLexBy11 [ES]
- 🔥 Ibai [ES]
- Magma [EN] Minecraft
Racing / Simracing / Cars
- 🔥 Heikki360ES [ES] This Youtuber make videos of his races on iRacing and other simracing games)
- ⭐ Saul Lopez [ES] Talks about Tesla, green energies, sustainable transport, etc.
- ⭐ Efeuno [ES] Talks about F1 un deep and with a litle humor sense. Proudly creator of Shittyflaute F1 theme
- F1 Visualized Show info about F1 races, times, etc using pixel art
- Chain Bear [EN/ES] Motorsport explained.
- ⭐ Formula 1 [EN] Oficial F1 channel. Race highlights, full races, radios, onboards, etc.
- Juan Francisco Calero [ES]
- Lando Norris [EN] McLaren F1 Driver channel
Humor / Entertainment
- ⭐ La Vida Moderna [ES] Best humor channel ever.
- ⭐ La Lengua moderna [ES]
- La Resistencia [ES]
- ⭐ Fortfast WTF [ES] Interviews
- ⭐ Pantomima Full [ES] Weekly videos about human contradictions.
- ❗ AuronPlay [ES]
- Video Buck [ES] Movies (new and old) reviews
- 🔥 Fácil Nejo [ES] Movie reviews
- Agujeros de guión [ES] Movies and scripts reviews
- No te metas en política [ES]
- FaceToFake [ES] Humor using deepfakes
- Vicisitud & Sordidez [ES]
- Loulogio [ES] Movies reviews, humor, etc
- Simon’s Cat [EN]
- 🔥 Aleix Saló [ES]
Programming / Communities
- A Industriosa [ES/EN]
- ❗ CodelyTV [ES]
- ⭐ Alva Majo [ES] Very sarcastic indie game developer
- Guinxu [ES] Indie game developer talking about game develop
- Makigas [ES]
Win / Fails / Zapping
- Koreous [FR/EN]
- ⭐ Cokaï [FR/EN]
- WinCompilation [EN]
- FailArmy [EN]
- This is Happening [EN]