2022 in a Nutshell

2022 in a Nutshell

2022 is over, for me, it was a very intense year, with a lot of challenges, changes, laughs and memorable moments. Let’s do a small summary.


This was a year of change, I joined to a new company a month before the end of the year, after 2 years working in a exciting project with very smart and nice people, and after some time of resting and thinking about the future and my career.

It’s too early to summarize the changes, but I guess 2023 will be an exciting and challenging year professionally speaking.

This year also I was able to achieve some goals I’m proud of, like complete the refactor of a project’s frontend to hexagonal being more decoupled of the backend and making the frontend’s code more maintainable and simple, it was a big effort but it was worth it.


2022 was the year of the community’s reborn, during the pandemic all the community activities were stopped, in 2022 most of the in person meeting’s restrictions were removed, and we start to schedule new events.

I left the organization of PHPVigo as I have not programmed in PHP from a long time. I believe that, in general, programming languages are not very important, but in the case of a programing group, makes sense that the organizers know the language, use it , know the updates, the news, etc. and it’s time to step aside and give the opportunity to other community’s members of give a step forward.

I also started to support the group VigoJUG, and I know it, it’s a language I not familiar with, but my role is supporting the events and the organizers (as I can do with any other group).

But the most remarkable community event I participated as co-organizer it was the #pulpoCon22 (https://2022.pulpocon.es/), a three-day event with workshops, side events, talks, and a lot of networking. You can read a nice summary written by Rolando Caldas, other co-organizer of the event.

Post and Talks

The year’s beginning I was very busy and I didn’t have time to write as posts as I would like, only 6 posts, and the same happened to the talks. But fortunately, in the last quarter I was able to change that trend and I could prepare 2 talks and do them:

  • one about the Composition API in Vue that I did privately for the frontend team of a company
  • the other is a talks about UI Components.

This talk was hosted by Nextail and publicly streamed live on Twitch. You can watch it on YouTube 😄

I also started to publish posts on DZone, and just when the year ended they pushed one of my articles to the front page.

Open source

I continue use the project I created 2 years ago (https://github.com/sergiocarracedo/vue-use-model-helpers) and thinking in the ways to improve it.

Personal / Learnings

This year I learned that is very important to rest enough and take care of myself to be productive. You can strive, push a lot, but you need to make it sustainable in time if not it’s not profit for anyone. Anyway, the balance of the year was very positive, I made a strong group of friends and teammates, and this is the foundation for growing professionally and personally.

🎉 Happy 2023!! 🎉