Math.max (and min) 'Maximum call stack size exceeded' with large datasets and how to reimplement it to make it much faster

Even though Javascript was not created with the management of large datasets in mind, manipulating them nowadays is very common.
Data aggregation is also a common functionality, calculate the max value in an array, is a simple task, the language provides the Math.max
method to do it.
But, try to do this:
const data = Array.from({ length: 1_000_000 }, () => Math.random() * 1000)
The code is simple: it generates and array with 1.000.000 random items and then tries to get the max value of the array and as the Math.max
doesn’t accept an array as param, we need to spread the array to pass the values as function’s arguments.
But if you run that you will have an error like: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
This error is caused because when you spread an array in the function’s arguments (or use apply
) you are doing Math.max(data[0], data[1], .... data[999_999])
and the function’s arguments use the call stack which is a limited region of memory to be stored. This limit depends on the engine, so your code can work in a browser and fail in another one that uses a different javascript engine.
Check more details in MDN web docs
The solutions
As a teacher told us long time a go: if a problem have only one solution is not a problem, is an exercise. We have multiple solutions to avoid this problem, some of them even improving the original performance.
Chunk the array
MDN page proposes to use a hybrid strategy, split the array in chunks, and apply the Math.max function to each one.
function maxUsingChunks(arr: number[]): number {
let max = -Infinity;
const QUANTUM = 32768;
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i += QUANTUM) {
const subMax = Math.max.apply(
arr.slice(i, Math.max(i + QUANTUM, arr.length)),
max = Math.max(subMax, max);
return max;
Using reduce
We can loop through the array and compare each value to know if it is higher than the previous max value.
function maxUsingReduce(arr: number[]): number {
return arr.reduce((acc, cur) => Math.max(acc, cur), -Infinity)
Using for
Yes, a simple for
to loop through the array
function maxUsingFor(arr: number[]): number {
const length = arr.length
let max = -Infinity
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
max = Math.max(max, arr[i])
return max
There are more solutions, but most of them are slight variations of the ones I showed above. Those are all valid and do exactly the same, but which is the best performance?
To measure the performance I’m going to use Vitest benchmarking feature, which is perfect for this usage.
We create a .bench.ts
file that will include the functions to compare.
// max.bench.ts
import { bench } from 'vitest'
const data = Array.from({ length: 100_000 }, () => Math.random() * 1000)
bench('Native Math.max', () => {
bench('maxUsingChunks', () => {
bench('maxUsingReduce', () => {
bench('maxUsingFor', () => {
Then we run the benchmark with vitest bench
. Here is the output of the command
✓ max.bench.ts (4) 2441ms
name hz min max mean p75 p99 p995 p999 rme samples
· Native Math.max 799.83 0.7349 9.2443 1.2503 0.8774 6.3467 7.8521 9.2443 ±9.70% 400
· maxUsingChunks 291.20 2.3094 12.5102 3.4341 3.8463 12.0433 12.5102 12.5102 ±8.72% 146 slowest
· maxUsingReduce 1,033.83 0.8555 1.3126 0.9673 0.9713 1.2611 1.3066 1.3126 ±0.69% 518
· maxUsingFor 11,198.84 0.0872 0.1550 0.0893 0.0887 0.1062 0.1166 0.1391 ±0.13% 5600 fastest
BENCH Summary
maxUsingFor - max.bench.ts
10.83x faster than maxUsingReduce
14.00x faster than Native Math.max
38.46x faster than maxUsingChunks
🤯 The results could seem counterintuitive, a simple for
is much faster than any other option, and even the reduce
’s version is much faster than the native implementation.
Ron Northcutt wrote a nice article that explains in detail why forEach (and another array loop functions like reduce
) are slower than a simple for
, probably the most relevant reason is the function Overhead (forEach()
invokes a callback function for each element in the array, and that is expensive for the engine).
Note: If we try to calculate the max value in a bigger array native
will cause the errorMaximum call stack size exceeded
, so the native version ofMath.max
is worse in every aspect
Going further
We can try to optimize even more the function with less generic strategies. For example, if we know the theoretical max we can rewrite the max function to stop looping if we reach it and return that value. A real-life use-case that fits this is: you have an array of negative temperatures, and you want to get the max temperature, we can set the theoretical max as 0 (as we are talking about negative temperatures), and if the function finds an item with the value 0, we are sure we find the max and we can return that value without continue looping through the array.
Replacing Math.max
If you want to solve the Maximum call stack size exceeded
problem, and/or make your apps faster you can just use the maxWithFor
function code (changing the function name) and use it in your code. I strongly DON’T recommend you to monkey-patch Math.max
. It can cause unexpected side effects, and errors, makes the code hard to maintain, etc…
You can also use a third-party library like fast-max that covers all the aspects we mentioned:
- Solves the
Maximum call stack size exceeded
problem - Is fast
- Implements strategies like the theoretical max
- Can ignore values
Now a question for you: Did you face the call stack size problem in your code? Let me know in the comments.