Column related features: Lessons I Learned Creating a Table Component (part III)This post is part of a post series: First part, Second part) and an extra related post: Writing a …Read more
Query builder to filter data in TypeScriptI wrote posts (1, 2 and 3) about my learnings creating table components, and this post can be the …Read more
Table pagination, sorting, filtering and row selection. Lessons I learned creating a table component (part II)This post is part of a post series: First part), Third part, and an extra related post: QWriting a …Read more
Lessons I learned creating a table component (part I)This post is part of a post series: Second part), Third part, and an extra related post: Writing a …Read more
Branded types in TypeScriptWhen you model entities with typescript, it is very common to get an interface likeinterface User { …Read more