Branded types in TypeScript
When you model entities with typescript, it is very common to get an interface like
interface User { …
Are you using semicolons in JS/TS? Maybe is time to remove them
I have been using standardjs (and standardts) for 5 years as lint ruleset in my projects, and I am …
Detecting circular dependencies in Javascript projects
Circular imports (or circular dependencies, or cycle dependencies, but not the same as circular …
A real case: why hexagonal architecture, decoupling, and Dependency injection can be very useful in the frontend
Hexagonal architecture is a software design pattern based on the separation of responsibilities. The …
Typescript enums: Replacing them with const and union types
Last year I wrote a post about the typescript enums: how to use them, some of the disadvantages, how …
The advantage of using cache to decouple the frontend code
We can agree decoupling is a good practice that simplifies the code and the maintainability of the …
Typescript tips for legacy projects: Type only you need
When you introduce Typescript in a legacy project, or you are using a library that doesn’t …
Typescript enums, const enums and readonly maps
Enum basics
Enums is one of the nice things Typescript bring to the Javascript development’s …
Typescript typing challenges and type utilities
Recently I was looking for more knowledge about Typescript typing, how to create more advanced and …