A real case: why hexagonal architecture, decoupling, and Dependency injection can be very useful in the frontendHexagonal architecture is a software design pattern based on the separation of responsibilities. The …Read more
UI components library (Chapter II): Components anatomy and interfacesThis is the second post of a series about why and how to create a UI components library. I’m …Read more
Typescript enums: Replacing them with const and union typesLast year I wrote a post about the typescript enums: how to use them, some of the disadvantages, how …Read more
UI components library (Chapter I): Why and to create one? Characteristics of a good UI libraryThis is the first post of a series about why and how to create a UI components library. I’m …Read more
2023 in a Nutshell2023 is over and I did in the last years is time to summarize it. For me, it’s always an …Read more
SPA (Vue / React / Angular) app loaderAs big a SPA is, more resources (javascript, css, images, etc.) need to load before starting to work …Read more
The advantage of using cache to decouple the frontend codeWe can agree decoupling is a good practice that simplifies the code and the maintainability of the …Read more
Typescript tips for legacy projects: Type only you needWhen you introduce Typescript in a legacy project, or you are using a library that doesn’t …Read more
Hasta luego pulpoConAcaba de terminar la tercera edición de la #pulpoCon, y no será la última, pero si la última en la …Read more
Find a item in lists in js: Performance of Set vs ArrayIn our apps, it’s very common to store data in lists, for example, a list of users, a list of …Read more