Typescript enums, const enums and readonly mapsEnum basics Enums is one of the nice things Typescript bring to the Javascript development’s …Read more
2022 in a Nutshell2022 is over, for me, it was a very intense year, with a lot of challenges, changes, laughs and …Read more
Frontend team roles and skills, breaking the borders15-20 years ago, web application developers had the knowledge and the technical skills necessary to …Read more
Typescript typing challenges and type utilitiesRecently I was looking for more knowledge about Typescript typing, how to create more advanced and …Read more
Using charts in the frontend: Echarts with examplesIf you are working in frontend and in data visualization one of the tasks you need to solve is to …Read more
Typescript type narrowing, type guards and type predicates ([var] is [type])One useful feature in Typescript is union types, for example string | number | null, it’s a …Read more
Giving (Negative) Feedback From Engineers to ManagersA couple of weeks ago my friend Miguel Garcia Lorenzo releases this quite interesting post about the …Read more
Las arquitecturas limpias como necesidadEste post fue escrito originalmente e incluido en la revista de la #pulpoCon22 Todo tiene su momento …Read more
Generics in Golang 1.18At the moment of writing this post Go 1.18 wasn’t released (the latest version for 1.18 is the …Read more
Running workflows in you k8s cluster: Argo WorkflowsSimplifying it, a workflow is a list of tasks to run in some order and/or fulfilling some …Read more