Dealing with infinite paginationIn the software development context, pagination is the process of dividing a list of items (rows) …Read more
Integration tests in Golang with dockertestDo integration testing (or system testing) usually means to have a database populated with data, …Read more
Vue Composition API: How to split and reuse codeThe Vue Composition API arrived at us in Nov 2018, 2 years ago, as a preview and become with some …Read more
Database migrations in Golang.During the development of an app, it’s very common to do changes in the database schema, for a …Read more
Creating custom events in JSWhen you try to encapsulate features but need to interact with async events or events generated by …Read more
How to create a table with a fixed headerTables in HTML are one of the older things in the standard, even before CSS we had HTML tables. In …Read more
Soy casi un boomer y consumo Twitch: Mis streams favoritosDisclaimer: Este es mi primer post en castellano en bastante tiempo, el motivo es el contenido del …Read more
How to run GitHub Actions in local with ActGitHub Actions is a powerful tool, you can run tests, build your app, deploy it, even mining …Read more
Simplifying the use of custom a Vue v-modelOne year ago I wrote a post about how to manage your custom v-model in your component (Spanish). The …Read more
Tips using Typescript and VueTypescript is a great “language”, makes it possible to create more maintainable and …Read more